Chiropractic Orthopedists
In Chattanooga TN
Are the top 1% of the profession
A chiropractic orthopedist is a healthcare professional specializing in diagnosing, treating, and managing musculoskeletal disorders, particularly those related to the spine. Their expertise combines the principles of chiropractic care with orthopedic knowledge, enabling them to address various issues, including back pain, neck pain, joint problems, and sports injuries.
Chiropractic orthopedists in Chattanooga TN undergo extensive training in both chiropractic and orthopedic disciplines. Education includes advanced learning about the structure and function of the spine, joints, and muscular system and techniques for diagnosing and treating various conditions.
Dr. Nicholas Circolone D.I.A.N.M.
Dr Nicholas J Circolone Chiropractic Orthopedist
At Dr Nicholas J Circolone Chiropractic Orthopedist, we are driven by a mission to heal, transform, and inspire. Our commitment to mind-body-spirit wellness is the cornerstone of our practice. True health results from a harmonious physical, mental, and spiritual balance. Through cutting-edge diagnostics, evidence-based treatments, and a compassionate approach. We empower individuals to reclaim their health, revitalize their spirits, and awaken to their fullest potential.
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